Green Paper on an EU approach to managing economic migration

Green Paper of 11 January 2005 on an EU approach to managing economic migration [COM(2004) 811 – Not published in the Official Journal].

In its communication on immigration, integration and employment (COM(2003)336 final) and in the Green Paper “Confronting demographic change: new solidarity between generations” (COM(2005) 94 final), the Commission emphasized that, on account of demographic trends, a decline in employment could be expected after 2010. The reduction in the size of the labour force between 2010 and 2030 will be equivalent to some 20 million workers for the EU-25. Given the impact that demographic decline and population ageing will have on the economy and on European competitiveness, the Commission feels that more sustained immigration flows will be needed to meet the requirements of the European labour markets.

In the Commission’s view, therefore, common criteria and rules that are transparent and more closely harmonised at European level need to be adopted for the admission of economic migrants.