International Seminar
On the Way to Quality Education for All: International Approaches and Specifics of Contemporary Practice
29 November – 2 December 2011
Organizers: Moscow Department of Education, UNESCO Moscow Office, Moscow Institute of Open Education
Executing Organizations: UNESCO Chair, Centre for International Educational Programs of the Moscow Institute of Open Education, Centre for Cross-national Education “Etnosfera” in cooperation with the Twinning and University Networks program (UNITWIN/UNESCO).
Venue: Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad
Dates: 29 November – 2 December 2011;
Work days: 30 November – 1 December 2011.
Participants: international experts and specialists – representatives of regulatory, educational bodies and institutions of Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation, representatives of UNESCO chairs, Council of Europe Global Education project led by the North-South Centre, participants of the UNESCO Associated Schools International Project. We have also invited representatives of the UNESCO, the UNISEF, the UNHCR, the IOM, the Council of Europe, international and non-governmental organisations.
Objectives: learn about international approaches to quality education for all and share views on various challenges of its provision; discuss contemporary understanding of quality education and its characteristics in the Russian Federation; share innovative expertise and practical experience gained by Moscow, Russian regions and other countries in providing equal access to educational services in the system of pre-school, school and additional education as well as life-long and inclusive educations, and distance learning.
Working languages: Russian and English
Plenary Session – 15 minutes, Sections – 10 minutes.