

D2.1 User and Service Classification, ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP)

File Name: d2_1_user_and_service_classification_v1_1.pdf
File Size: 2.06 MB
Date: 11. Απρίλιος 2011

Deliverable Id : D2.1, Deliverable Name :User and Service Classification, ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP), Project full title: Participatory Immigration Policy Making and Harmonization based on Collaborative Web2.0 Technologies

Author(s): G. Pentafronimos, T. Ntouskas, D. Papanikas, N. Polemi, A. Karantjias, S. Pantelopoulos, A.Zavos, U. Stavropoulou, T. Katsas, M. Mila, E.Moreno, N.Rodríguez, E. Teinbas, A. Donda, C. Castellucci, J. Ruffilli, W. Bosswick, V. Krobisch, A. Núñez, D.Oresanz

D1.1 End User Requirements

File Name: d1 1_end user requirements_v1 1.pdf
File Size: 2.25 MB
Date: 11. Απρίλιος 2011

Deliverable Id :D1.1 V0.1
Deliverable Name :End User Requirements
ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP)

Project full title: Participatory Immigration Policy Making and Harmonization based on Collaborative Web2.0 Technologies

Author(s):  W. Bosswick, V. Krobisch, C. Gerber, E. Teinbas, T. Katsas, A. Zavos, M. Mousmouti, U. Stavropoulou, T. Ntouskas, D. Papanikas, G. Pentafronimos, N. Polemi, S. Pantelopoulos, J.D. Colombani, A. Donda, M. Angiò, M. Golinelli, C. Matteucci, N. Rodríguez, E. Moreno

State-of-the-art and advances in European migration policies

File Name: state-of-the-art and advances in european migration policies.pdf

File Size: 3.29 MB

Date: 11. Φεβρουάριος 2011


Deliverable Id : D1.2 V.1.1
Deliverable Name : State-of-the-art and advances in European migration policies
Dissemination Level: PU
Nature of the Deliverable: R
Due date of deliverable : M4
Actual submission date : 12/01/2011
Work Package : WP1
Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: CDF – EFMS
Author(s): Elizabeth Moreno, Nuria Rodríguez, U. Stavropoulou, M. Mousmouti , A. Zavos, T. Katsas, G. Pentafronimos, T. Karantjias, D. Papanikas, T. Ntouskas, N. Polemi, V. Krobisch, M. Wacker, W. Bosswick, A. Donda, S. Branchetti, M. Angiò, C. Matteucci, L. Solinas, F. Abbiati, E. Teinbas. R. Woitsch, M. Glykofrydes
Partner(s) contributing : SLG, UPRC, CeCL (Subcontractor of UPRC), efms, CDF, Spazi Mediani (Subcontractor of CDF), BOC, ATOS, IF.